Humour noir psychiatrique
C’est un beau métier d’être psychothérapeute. Mais pas toujours facile. Certains cas de patients nous déconcertent : nous avons alors besoin des conseils et de l’expérience de nos collègues.
Par exemple, voici le petit texte d’un confrère arrivé le 28 mai 2009 sur la mailing list de l’Association Américaine de Psychologie :
« Hi All !
I would appreciate recommendations regarding a 17 year old who has urges to drink his own blood and recently cut in order to satisfy the urge. He reported that he very much enjoyed the experience and that the blood tasted “coppery at first and then very, very sweet.” He reports that the urges come when he is lying in bed at night and feel overwhelming. He disclosed his urge and the behavior at the end of the last session so I was unable to complete a functional analysis. He did state that the urge is not ego-syntonic, but the consuming of the blood is.
Some background: Morbid obesity. Moderate social anxiety. Mild to moderate OCD symptoms, primarily checking locks and symmetry in his room. Recently came out with his sexual orientation. Parents are both extremely phobic of any discomfort to their son.
I would appreciate hearing from others who have treated blood drinking urges. Any Transylvanian psychologists on the list?
Thanks. »
Pour celles et ceux qui ne comprennent pas l’anglais : il s’agit en gros d’un adolescent de 17 ans qui boit son propre sang, et se coupe volontairement pour le faire. Le collègue, un peu désemparé, demande si certains d’entre nous ont déjà eu à aider ce genre de patient. Et il conclut avec humour : “y a-t-il des psychologues de Transylvanie {patrie de Dracula} dans notre liste de diffusion ?”
Illustration : Nosferatu le vampire, film de Friedrich Murnau, 1922.